Winter 2022 Season Programme - Lime Tree Theatre

Winter 2022 Season Programme

Click here to download our Winter 2022 Season Programme for the Lime Tree Theatre | Belltable


Happy new year to our audiences. We are delighted that our venues are still open and we are working hard to ensure our patrons can continue to attend in-person events safely in both our venues. There is a wide variety of events to choose from over the coming weeks. A highlight is Irish National Opera’s Bajazet, coming to the Lime Tree on Saturday 22nd January at the earlier time of 5pm. We also continue with our IFI@Belltable cinema screenings every Monday – please note that for the month of January there will be just one 5pm screening.


We are excited to start the year with a brand new logo suite to celebrate 10 years of the Lime Tree Theatre, which opened in August 2012. We look forward to sharing our plans for the anniversary with you in the coming months.



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