Teen Theatre Intensive - Lime Tree Theatre

Teen Theatre Intensive

Coming to Belltable this June, ‘Teen Theatre Intensive’ will provide a safe and creative space for teens who are passionate about theatre, to improve and hone their skills through ensemble and solo work.
Led by performer and choreographer Pamela McGlynn and theatre maker, director and designer Jean McGlynn, this intensive theatre course will not only develop participants’ existing passion for the arts, but it will also aim to build confidence, self-expression and creativity through a range of workshops including dance, acting, singing, stage combat, make-up special effects, costume, wigs and theatre design.

There will be a performance in Belltable for family and friends on the Friday of each week, making it possible to attend one or both weeks. Participants must have completed their first year in secondary school.

This week will be one to remember so book now!

Week 1: 17th – 21st June
Week 2: 24th – 28th June

1 week: €150
2 weeks: €250

Booking form available here.

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