Rapunzel Panto - Ensemble Auditions - Lime Tree Theatre

Rapunzel Panto – Ensemble Auditions


The Lime Tree Theatre is holding an open audition process to cast a dynamic company of actors, dancers and singers in the performance ensemble for our third professional pantomime. This year’s Lime Tree Panto is Rapunzel, written by Mike Finn and directed by Michael Finneran. Noël Lennon is the music director and Pamela McGlynn is the choreographer for the production.

Rapunzel will run for 35 performances from 7th December 2024 to 5th January 2025 in the Lime Tree Theatre, Limerick (V94 4D85). Rehearsals commence in Limerick on 18th November 2024.

We wish to invite performers between the ages of 18-30 years to submit a self-tape audition for a part in the company ensemble. The closing date for self-tape submissions is Tuesday 30th April 2024.

Members of the ensemble will be of all genders and backgrounds. The majority of the members of the ensemble will be utilised in dancing and singing roles but some actors (all genders) will also be cast for dialogue parts. Auditionees must be between the ages of 18-30 years of age at the time of audition with some background and interest in the performing arts. No previous experience of formal stage performance or pantomime is necessary. We encourage auditionees of all physical abilities, ethnic backgrounds and genders.

The performers in the ensemble will be treated as young professionals with a contract, payment in recognition of expenses and a structured training programme. The development of young performers in the ensemble is part of our performer training programme. All auditionees must be in a position to commit to the rehearsal and production schedule in full.



All auditionees are required to submit two self-tape video links, one singing and one dancing. These videos should be uploaded as unlisted video links on YouTube. These links will only be viewed by the creative team.

  • Singing self-tape: please film yourself singing a verse and chorus from the song A Whole New World from Aladdin. You may sing with a backing track or a capella, whatever you prefer.
  • Dance self-tape: please record yourself performing this routine. The song is Hair in the Air from Trolls. See a breakdown of the routine here.

An audition self-tape can be submitted by completing the audition webform.

If you have any questions, please email LTTpanto@limetreetheatre.ie 


Deadline for self-tape submissions is Tuesday 30th April, through the audition webform.


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