Appointment of Louise Donlon to the Expert Advisory Committee - Lime Tree Theatre

Appointment of Louise Donlon to the Expert Advisory Committee

Catherine Martin TD, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media today announced the addition of six new members to the Culture Ireland Expert Advisory Committee.

Announcing the new members of the Expert Advisory Committee, Minister Martin said:

“Culture Ireland plays a vital role in building Ireland’s reputation globally through the promotion of Irish arts worldwide. At this pivotal time, the in-depth expertise of the new Committee members will help to increase career opportunities for Irish artists and maximise the impact of the Government’s investment in Irish arts abroad.”

The current members of the Expert Advisory Committee will be joined by Helen Carey, Visual Arts Curator, Tom Creed, Theatre and Opera Producer and Director, Louise Donlon, Executive Director of the Lime Tree Theatre, Noeleen Hartigan, Multidisciplinary Arts Strategy Advisor, Rosaleen Molloy, CEO of Music Generation, and Nidhi Zak, Poet, Editor and Peace Ambassador.

There is a strong interagency representation on the Expert Advisory Committee which ensures a whole-of-Government approach on international promotion work to achieve the aims of Global Ireland. Included are senior representatives from the Departments of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and Foreign Affairs, the Arts Council, Tourism Ireland and Screen Ireland who will continue to serve on the Committee on an ex-officio basis.

Kieran Hanrahan, Chair of Culture Ireland, welcoming the new appointments by Minister Martin said:

“As Culture Ireland is embarking on a new strategy, which will shape the approach for promoting Irish arts for the next 5 years, the appointment of such experienced new Committee members from across the arts sector is timely. We will work together to maximise the benefits for Irish artists and global audiences.”

A full list of Culture Ireland Expert Advisory Committee members is available on

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