Young Filmmakers Showcase - Lime Tree Theatre

Young Filmmakers Showcase

with Fresh Film and Emerging Limerick Filmmakers

Join FilmTrack to celebrate the future of Irish film in this special programme of new work curated by Ireland’s leading young filmmaker’s organisation – Fresh Film and acclaimed local film group – Emerging Limerick Filmmakers (ELF).

Young Filmmakers Showcase

Fresh and ELF champion the next generation of filmmakers with a mission to empower young voices. Their work continues to win awards globally and to kick start the careers of some of our brightest talents.

Don’t miss this chance to experience their work on the big screen and to meet some of the young filmmakers.


  • *Free Admission All FilmTrack events are free admission. Pick up your free FilmTrack festival wristbands at Engine, Cecil Street during open hours to access all events at Thursday 22nd to Saturday 25th August.
  • All events operate on a first come first served basis, with limited capacity. Further info at

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