Presented by Cyclone Theatre Company
A ground-breaking interpretation of Shakespeare’s timeless classic, adapted for the stage by Dr. Peadar Donohoe.
For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit Cyclone Rep’s website at www.cyclonerep.com
The theme of Hamlet:Cyber Madness is madness. Hamlet’s mental health is queried by many characters. However, in the Elizabethan era, many mental health challenges were simply categorised as ‘Madness’.
Cyclone Rep propose a radical and modern perspective that chimes with the plot of Shakespeare’s classic: Hamlet’s ‘madness’ is fuelled by his addiction to smartphone technology which gives rise to social media anxiety disorder.
This addictive disorder is driven by a compulsive need to check status and notifications, and to have posts and comments liked, shared, and commented on by others. This ‘always on status’ can give rise to anxiety, paranoia, feelings of isolation, and depression.
Cyclone Rep is a renowned theatre company committed to making classic literature and theatre accessible and relevant to contemporary audiences, particularly young students. Their innovative productions and educational programmes have garnered critical acclaim and have left a profound mark on countless students and theatre enthusiasts.
- Cyclone Rep is Ireland’s leading Shakespeare Theatre-in-Education Company
- Cyclone Rep bring Shakespeare to life and make him relatable to tens of thousands of young people each year
- Cyclone Rep improve young people’s chances of success in Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate English exams
- Cyclone Rep help build Ireland’s next generation of theatregoers
Cyclone Rep is Ireland’s leading producer of Shakespeare’s plays. Their mission is to stage theatrical interpretations of Shakespeare’s classics that are engaging, relatable and stimulate critical reflection.
- Bookings only via Cyclone Rep